
共撰写/参与撰写专利 0 项,录用/发表论文 2 篇,投出待录用论文0篇。
Journal Articles
Predictive Event-Triggered Control for Disturbanced Wireless Networked Control Systems
Yun-Bo Zhao ,
Xiaokang Pan,
and Shiming Yu
J Syst Sci Complex
The control and scheduling for wireless networked control system with packet dropout and disturbance are investigated. A prediction based event triggered control is proposed to reduce data transmissions while preserving the robustness against external disturbance. First, a trigger threshold is especially designed to maintain the difference of the estimated and actual states below a proper boundary when system suffers from packet dropout. Then a predictive controller is designed to compensate for packet dropouts by utilizing the packet-based control approach. The sufficient conditions to ensure the closed-loop system being uniformly ultimately bounded are derived, with consequently the controller gain method. Numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Conference Articles
Channel-Aware Scheduling for Multiple Control Systems with Packet-Based Control over Collision Channels
Pengfei Li,
Yu Kang,
Yun-Bo Zhao ,
and Xiaokang Pan
In 2019 American Control Conference (ACC)
We consider a wireless control architecture with multiple control systems communicating over two shared col- lision channels. Each sensor accesses the channel randomly and a scheduler at the controller side decides which controller is permitted to access the channel. We design a packet-based model predictive controller and obtain the packet transmission success probability demands of stability. The channel-aware transmission strategy of each sensor is studied in the non- cooperative game theory framework. We also characterize the Nash equilibrium and design a decentralized channel access mechanism to achieve the Nash equilibrium. The effectiveness of our results is demonstrated by a numerical simulation.
浙江工业大学, 杭州
无线通讯技术和嵌入式计算技术在近些年的高速发展使得传统控制系统中 的有线通信逐步被无线通信所取代,形成了所谓的无线网络化控制系统。该类 系统具有低成本、高灵活、易实施等优点,为各类新型智能系统如物联网、车 联网、信息物理系统等提供了重要的理论基础模型,但同时无线通信所带来的 不可靠无线链路、多用户接入调度、有限节点能量等问题也给无线网络化控制 系统的设计和分析带来了全新的挑战, 对其研究和分析具有较大的理论和应用价 值。 本文针对无线网络化控制系统中的节点能量的有效利用和网络丢包问题展 开研究。 一方面 , 无线网络化控制系统的 网络节点通常使用电池代替线缆供 电,因此节点能量限制成为无线网络化控制系统的一个本质特点;另一方面, 无线通信就通信质量而言相比较有线通信更为不可靠,更为严重的数据丢包是 无线网络化控制系统设计中的一个重大挑战。面向上述问题,本文在节点能量 和丢包限制下研究有效的控制策略和系统分析方法。主要工作如下: 1. 面向受扰的无线网络化控制系统,提出了一种基于状态反馈的预测事件 触发控制,实现了网络丢包下系统性能和能耗消耗之间的平衡,方法在性能上 拥有较强的鲁棒性。其中,特别设计的触发阈值能够保证传感器端状态估计和 真实状态的差值始终小于某一边界;基于包的预测控制器能够动态补偿网络丢 包,保证系统性能。为该方法下的控制系统建立闭环模型,并得到了系统最终 一致有界的充分条件和对应控制器增益设计。 2. 面向状态不能直接测得的无线网络化控制系统,提出了基于观测的预测 事件触发控制方法 。 在该方法中, 基于状态观测的触发器能减少系统数据传 输,而基于观测反馈的前向预测控制器能动态补偿控制信号丢失。并且,在该 方法下得到的控制器增益和观测器增益在求解时是相互独立的,降低了计算时 的复杂性。
浙江省农村信用联合社, 软件开发工程师