Dr. Yun-Bo Zhao(赵云波)

Department of Automation

University of Science and Technology of China

Hefei, China

Email: ybzhao@ustc.edu.cn

The Networked Intelligent Control Lab (网络化智能控制实验室,“NIC Lab”) is led by Prof. Yun-Bo Zhao(赵云波) with Department of Automation & Institute of Advanced Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China(中国科学技术大学自动化系 & 先进技术研究院), and also with Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center (合肥综合性国家科学中心人工智能研究院).

The NIC Lab is generally interested in the following research fields.

  • AI驱动的人机智能AI-Driven Human-Machine Intelligence: 面向自动化控制的人机混合智能基本理论和方法,包括人机自主性和人机信任的量化和分析,人机控制中的介入和共享控制基本方法,和人机对抗中的人机博弈基础模型和策略等方面,及其在人机共驾、复杂空战人机对抗、智能制造等领域的应用。The fundamental theory and methodologies of control-oriented human-machine hybrid intelligence, including aspects such as the quantization and analysis of autonomy and trust in the human-machine context, the fundamental methodology of traded and shared control, and the models and strategies in human-machine games, as well as relevant applications in human-machine co-drive, human-UAV confrontation, smart manufacturing, etc.

  • AI驱动的工业智能AI-Driven Industrial Intelligence: 非可信的人工智能在智能制造场景下的系统性分析,满足可靠保证的工业人工智能基本方法,和典型工业场景下的可靠智造关键技术和应用示范。Systematic analysis of unreliable AI in the smart manufacturing context, fundamental methodologies of reliable industry AI, and key technologies of reliable smart manufacturing for typical industry scenarios.

  • AI驱动的控制智能AI-Driven Control Intelligence: 无线网络下控制和通信的联合设计及系统安全、大数据驱动的无模型控制和“云管端”新通信模式下控制系统的架构分析等理论问题,及在智慧工厂、智慧物流、绿色建筑、特种移动机器人等领域的应用。The co-design of wireless networked control systems and its security, Big Data driven control, cloud control, and relevant applications in smart factory, smart logistics, green building, dedicated mobile robots, etc.

Prospective Master and PhD students are always welcome to join the NIC Lab. Please feel free to drop an email if interested.
